Fluidity Concert April 21, 2024

Fluidity Concert April 21, 2024

April 4, 2024 Uncategorized 0

Fluidity of the South Sound – interview with Rhonda Juliano

What can you tell us about Fluidity Choir’s origin story and its current members?

Rhonda: Fluidity is a new SSAA Choir that embraces diversity and has a passion for building community. I started a Fluidity choir in Cincinnati 6 years ago and brought the concept back with me when I returned to the Pacific Northwest. Fluidity of the South Sound started rehearsing this past fall but didn’t take off until we started partnering with Trinity Presbyterian Church and the Bryant Community Center in January of 2024. We currently have 32 singers from all over the region. Singers come from Anderson Island, Seattle, Enumclaw, Gig Harbor, Olympia, and the surrounding Puget Sound area.

Fluidity was created to be a positive force in our community. We select and recognize a non-profit in our area that does good in our community. Our concerts are designed to highlight the non-profit and to sing themed songs that relate to what the non-profit does. It has been a wonderful way to introduce so many wonderful non-profits in our community. So much good work goes on unnoticed.

How did you hear about the Bryant Neighborhood Center?

Rhonda: I am currently the music specialist at Bryant Montessori School here in Tacoma. I became acquainted with the Bryant Neighborhood Community Center through the events that the center hosted for our school community.

What are your dreams for Fluidity Choir?

Rhonda: My hopes are to grow the choir into a well-known staple in our community. A group that is known for excellence in music and a compassion for helping others to build community. We want to highlight the good in our world along side the work of neighboring non-profits that are working their vision to help others.

We can’t wait to be in the Audience for a Fluidity Choir concert. When are some upcoming dates for performances?

Rhonda: Our debut concert is April 21st, at 3:00 pm at Trinity Presbyterian Church. We will be highlighting and benefiting the Bryan Neighborhood Community Center. The concert is titled, “It Takes a Village.”

Concerts are attended on a donation basis. We encourage people to give what they can to help support our concert and the cause of the non-profit. Some people are not able to give a lot and others are able to really help financially. We want all to come enjoy the music and the social time we provide afterwards. We deduct the cost of putting on the concert and all other proceeds go to the non-profit for their continuing work in our communities.

We hope to have a full audience to enjoy and support our cause!